Story Time 01 - "Luna the Ladybug" (Medium)

Read the story and answer the questions

Luna the Ladybug

Luna the ladybug loved to fly around the garden. Her tiny red shell sparkled in the sun as she searched for yummy green leaves to munch on. Suddenly, a big, brown shadow fell over Luna! She looked up and saw a furry bumblebee buzzing right at her.

"Hello!" boomed the bee. "I'm Barry. What's your name?"

Luna squeaked, "Luna. I'm a ladybug.

"Barry grinned. "Nice to meet you, Luna! Have you seen any juicy flowers around?"

Luna smiled. "Follow me, Barry!"

They flew together, Luna leading the way to a patch of bright yellow sunflowers. Barry landed happily on a flower and began to sip the sweet nectar.

"Thanks, Luna!" he buzzed. "You're a great friend!"

Luna giggled. "You're welcome, Barry!"