Paw’s Chat Show
Welcome to Paw’s Chat Show. Every Wednesday, three students from Primary 6, Pleum, Anfield and Will, will chat about a different topic. Each episode is five minutes long. The students are doing this as part of the YouTuber Training Program run by our school.

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 1 Superheroes

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 2 Online Games

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 3 Restaurants

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 4 Tips for Speaking English

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 5 School Life

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 6 Japanese Cartoons

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 7 Tutorial Schools

Paw’s Chat Show: Ep 8 AI

Paw’s Chat Show : S.1 Ep.9 Sports and Games

Paw’s Chat Show: S.1 Ep.10 Memories

Paw’s Chat Show Special: Embarrassing Moments

Paw’s chat Show Special: Food Review My Snaxx