This practice test is based on past O-NET exams for Primary 6 students.
Choose the best answer.
The Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It was built in Paris, France, in 1889 for the World’s Fair. At first, many people did not like the design, but now it is one of the most visited places in the world. The tower has three levels, and visitors can take the stairs or the elevator to enjoy a view of the city. At night, the Eiffel Tower lights up, making it even more beautiful.
Why was the Eiffel Tower built?
To be used as a hotel.
For the World’s Fair in 1889.
To be a home for the king of France.
To be the tallest building in the world.
How did people feel about the Eiffel Tower when it was first built?