Halloween English Quizzes
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on 31st October every year. It is a time for people of all ages to dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and carve pumpkins. Halloween is also a great time for young students learning English as a foreign language to learn about new vocabulary and cultural traditions. For example, students can learn about the history of Halloween, the different types of Halloween costumes that people wear, and the different Halloween activities that people enjoy. Halloween is also a great opportunity for students to learn new vocabulary related to the holiday, such as “costume,” “candy,” “trick-or-treat,” “pumpkin,” and “jack-o’-lantern.” At our school, we have a Halloween Day activity on the first Friday in November.
EXERCISES (แบบฝึกหัดภาษาอังกฤษ)
STORY ONE: The Little Ghost’s Halloween (142 words)
Word List:
- costume: a special outfit that you wear for Halloween or another special occasion
- dress up: to put on a costume
- go trick-or-treating: to visit houses in your neighborhood on Halloween and ask for candy
- Halloween: a holiday celebrated on October 31st with costumes and candy
- monster: a scary creature
- porch: the covered area in front of a house
- pirate: a person who steals ships at sea
- treat: a small piece of candy or food that you give to someone on Halloween
- witch: a woman who has magical powers
Word List:
- Halloween: A holiday celebrated on October 31st with costumes, candy, and trick-or-treating.
- costume: Clothes that you wear to look like someone or something else.
- trick-or-treat: A Halloween tradition where children go from house to house asking for candy and other treats.
- candy: Sweet food, such as chocolate, lollipops, and gummies.
- treat: Something that is given to someone to enjoy, such as food or a toy.
- tired: Feeling a need to sleep.
- happy: Feeling pleased or contented.
- scared: Feeling afraid.