Primary 6 (Term 1) - Reading Exam 2

Please pick the correct answer.

The Lost Keys

One sunny morning, Sarah decided to take her dog, Max, for a walk. As they strolled down their quiet neighborhood street, Sarah realized she had lost her house keys. She got scared as she retraced her steps, wondering where she could have dropped them.

She remembered playing with Max next to the big oak tree at the park. She decided to start there. The park was just around the corner from her house. She hurried to the park and looked under the oak tree, but the keys were not there.

Feeling disheartened, Sarah decided to ask for help. She saw Mrs. Johnson's house across the street from the park. Mrs. Johnson was known for her kindness, so Sarah went to her and explained her predicament.

Mrs. Johnson smiled and said, "Don't worry, dear. I saw something shiny on the sidewalk on the right when I was gardening this morning." Sarah followed her directions and found her lost keys on the right, not far from where she had been playing with Max.

She thanked Mrs. Johnson and happily headed back home, knowing that her adventure had a happy ending.