ChatGPT Prompts for English Teachers


Here are some suggested prompts that teachers can use to make their teaching life easier, covering lesson planning, creating worksheets, and checking student work:

For Lesson Planning

  1. General Lesson Plan
    • Prompt: “Create a lesson plan for A1 level students on the topic of ‘[Insert topic]’ for a 45-minute class.”
    • Example: “Create a lesson plan for A1 level students on the topic of ‘Greetings and Introductions’ for a 45-minute class.”
  2. Activity Ideas
    • Prompt: “Suggest five interactive activities for teaching A2 level students about ‘[Insert topic]’.”
    • Example: “Suggest five interactive activities for teaching A2 level students about ‘Daily Routines’.”
  3. Grammar Lesson
    • Prompt: “Design a grammar lesson for A1 level students focusing on the use of ‘[Insert grammar topic]’.”
    • Example: “Design a grammar lesson for A1 level students focusing on the use of ‘Present Simple Tense’.”

For Creating Worksheets and Exercises

  1. Vocabulary Worksheet
    • Prompt: “Create a vocabulary worksheet for A2 level students on the topic of ‘[Insert topic]’. Include matching, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice questions.”
    • Example: “Create a vocabulary worksheet for A2 level students on the topic of ‘Food and Drinks’. Include matching, fill-in-the-blank, and multiple-choice questions.”
  2. Reading Comprehension
    • Prompt: “Write a short reading passage for A1 level students about ‘[Insert topic]’ and create five comprehension questions.”
    • Example: “Write a short reading passage for A1 level students about ‘A Day at the Park’ and create five comprehension questions.”
  3. Grammar Exercise
    • Prompt: “Generate a grammar exercise for A2 level students to practice ‘[Insert grammar topic]’. Include sentences for correction and gap-fill exercises.”
    • Example: “Generate a grammar exercise for A2 level students to practice ‘Past Simple Tense’. Include sentences for correction and gap-fill exercises.”

For Checking Student Work

  1. Grammar and Spelling Check
    • Prompt: “Check the following text for grammar and spelling errors: ‘[Insert student’s text here]'”
    • Example: “Check the following text for grammar and spelling errors: ‘I goed to the store and buyed some apples.'”
  2. Provide Feedback
    • Prompt: “Provide constructive feedback on the following writing piece for an A1 level student: ‘[Insert student’s text here]'”
    • Example: “Provide constructive feedback on the following writing piece for an A1 level student: ‘My favorite animal is a dog because they is friendly and playful.'”
  3. Error Identification and Correction
    • Prompt: “Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences written by an A2 level student: ‘[Insert student’s sentences here]'”
    • Example: “Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences written by an A2 level student: ‘She don’t likes to play soccer because it’s too difficult for her.'”

For General Assistance

  1. Lesson Summary
    • Prompt: “Summarize the key points of a lesson on ‘[Insert topic]’ for A1 level students in a short paragraph.”
    • Example: “Summarize the key points of a lesson on ‘Weather and Seasons’ for A1 level students in a short paragraph.”
  2. Homework Suggestions
    • Prompt: “Suggest three homework activities for A2 level students to reinforce their learning about ‘[Insert topic]’.”
    • Example: “Suggest three homework activities for A2 level students to reinforce their learning about ‘Family Members’.”
  3. Classroom Management Tips
    • Prompt: “Give me some tips on how to manage a classroom of A1 level students effectively.”
    • Example: “Give me some tips on how to manage a classroom of A1 level students effectively.”

By using these prompts, teachers can streamline their preparation and focus more on engaging with their students, making their teaching experience more efficient and enjoyable.