Sunthorn Phu Day - Reading Quiz (Medium)

Read the story and choose the correct answers!

Sunthorn Phu Day

Sunthorn Phu Day is on June 26 in Thailand. This day celebrates the life of Sunthorn Phu. Sunthorn Phu was a famous Thai poet. He was born on June 26, 1786, in Bangkok. His full name is Phra Sunthornwohan, but people call him Sunthon Phu.

Sunthorn Phu wrote many poems and stories. He is best known for a long poem called "Phra Aphai Mani." This poem is about a prince and his adventures. The poem has magic, love, and many exciting events. It is very popular in Thailand.

Sunthorn Phu's life was not easy. He had to work hard to earn money. He worked as a monk, a teacher, and a clerk. Even though he had many problems, he continued to write. His poems are beautiful and full of emotion. They talk about love, nature, and life.

June 26 is important because it is Sunthorn Phu's birthday. On this day, people remember his work and his life. Schools and libraries often have special events. They read his poems and talk about his life. There are also contests where people write poems.

Sunthorn Phu is important to Thai culture. His poems help people understand Thai history and traditions. He is a great example of someone who did not give up. He followed his dream to be a poet, even when life was hard.

Sunthorn Phu Day is a time to celebrate his talent and his contributions to Thai literature. It reminds people of the power of words and the beauty of poetry. It is a special day for everyone who loves reading and writing.