Student Photo Quiz - 05
Look at the pictures and then choose the correct statement.
Photos taken by students Cream, Mai, Aum-im, May and Diamond from Primary 5/1.
- The boy is standing up.
- The boy is sitting down.
- The boy is standing down.
- The boy is lying down.
- The student is walking in front of the teacher.
- The student is walking behind the teacher.
- The student is walking next to the teacher.
- The teacher is walking behind the student.
- The boy is reading a school book.
- The boy is reading a book.
- The boy is reading a novel.
- The boy is reading a magazine.
- The boy is standing on the football field.
- The boy is running on the football field.
- The boy is playing.
- The boy is kicking a football.
- The boy is pretending to eat water.
- The boy is pretending to drink water.
- The boy is eating water.
- The boy is drinking water.
- The girls are walking out of the classroom.
- The girls are walking into the classroom.
- The girls are in the classroom.
- The girls are going home.
- There are four teachers.
- Four students are chatting with a teacher.
- I can see five students.
- Two students are chatting with a teacher.
- There are four high school students.
- There are four primary school students.
- There are four junior high students.
- There are four kindergarten students.
- The boy is standing on the bridge.
- The boy is holding up the bridge.
- The boy is walking under the bridge.
- The boy is holding down the bridge.
- The students are on the fourth floor.
- The students are on the first floor.
- The students are on the fifth floor.
- The students are on the third floor.