All About Me 02 - Listening Exam
How old is Tanawat?
- 11 years old
- 12 years old
- 10 years old
- 9 years old
Who is Jun?
- Tanawat
- Father
- Brother
- Mother
How much does Tanawat weigh?
- 47 kilos
- 149 kilos
- 11 kilos
- 45 kilos
Who likes playing football?
- Tanawat and his father
- Tanawat and his brother
- Tanawat and his family
- Tanawat and his mother
How many people are there in his family?
- Four people
- Three people
- Five people
- Six people
Does Tanawat have any sisters?
- No, he doesn't
- Yes, he does.
Who likes playing snooker?
- Father
- Mother
- Brother
- All the family
Who likes shopping
- Mother
- Father
- Everyone
- Brother
What do they like to do in the holidays?
- Watch movies
- Go shopping
- Play football
- Play snooker
What does Tanawat like riding?
- Bicycles
- Horses
- Elephants
- Buffaloes