Prepositions of Direction - 10 (Multiple Choice)
Please write the correct answer by looking at the sentence and provided words.

What is true about the museum?
- It is near the restaurant.
- It is next to the cafe.
- It is next to the grocery.
- It is on the left of the cafe.

What is true about the pet shop?
- It's opposite the museum.
- It's next to the grocery store.
- Its opposite the grocery store.
- It's next to the museum.

Where is the pet shop?
- It's behind the museum.
- It's behind the cafe.
- It's behind the grocery.
- It's behind the hospital.

Where is the museum?
- It's in front of the pet shop.
- It's behind the cafe.
- It's behind the grocery store.
- It's next to the hospital.

Where is the pet shop?
- It's between the cafe and the restaurant.
- It's between the cafe and the grocery.
- It's between the grocery and the restaurant.
- It's between the hospital and the restaurant.

Is your house far from the church?
- Yes, it is four blocks away.
- No, it isn't. It's just a block a way.
- No, it isn't. It's just two blocks a way.
- Yes, it is ten blocks away.

Which sentence is incorrect?
- The pet shop is in between the cafe and the restaurant.
- The pet shop is on the left of the cafe.
- The pet shop is on the right of the restaurant.
- The pet shop is behind the grocery.

Which sentence is incorrect?
- The cafe is behind the museum.
- The museum is in front of the cafe.
- The cafe is on the right of the pet shop.
- The museum is next to the cafe.

Which sentence is correct?
- The grocery store is behind the cafe.
- The pet shop is behind the cafe.
- The museum is behind the pet shop.
- The cafe is in front of the museum.

Which sentence is incorrect?
- The museum is near the restaurant.
- The museum is near the grocery store.
- The museum is near the pet shop.
- The museum is far from the restaurant.